When Anna Lisa Hedman was born on 21 December 1776, in Grangärde, Ludvika, Dalarna, Sweden, her father, Johan Hedman, was 25 and her mother, Christina Charlotta Hedman, was 20. She married Niclas Hallström in 1797. They were the parents of at least 8 sons and 2 daughters. She lived in Sörvik, Dalarna, Sweden in 1797 and Grängshammar, Silfberg, Kopparberg, Sweden in 1804.
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Sweden declared independence. Constitutional monarchy established. Russia took Aland Island group from Sweden.
Denmark ceded Norway to Sweden.
The March Unrest, or the Marsoroligheterna, was a series of riots in Stockholm in March 1848, due to news of the French Revolution. As a mob gathered and plundered shops on March 19, the militia fired shots and 18 deaths. The army arrived on March 21 for reinforcement and terminated any further rioting.
Some characteristic forenames: Scandinavian Britt, Egil, Lars, Lennart.
Swedish: ornamental name composed of the elements hed ‘heath, moor’ + man ‘man’.
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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