David W. Vargas was born about 1948, in Korea. He died on 13 August 1995, at the age of 48.
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Some characteristic forenames: Spanish Jose, Juan, Luis, Carlos, Manuel, Pedro, Francisco, Jorge, Jesus, Rafael, Miguel, Roberto. Portuguese Paulo, Ligia, Vasco, Catarina, Conceicao, Joao, Omero, Serafim, Wenceslao.
Spanish and Portuguese: habitational name, probably from Vargas in Cantabria, or a topographic name from vargas, plural of varga, a dialect term meaning ‘(thatched) hut, steep slope’ or ‘fenced pastureland which becomes waterlogged in winter’. Compare Bargas and De Vargas .
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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