David W. Vargas

Maleabout 1948–13 August 1995

Brief Life History of David W.

David W. Vargas was born about 1948, in Korea. He died on 13 August 1995, at the age of 48.

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    There are no historical documents attached to David W..

    Name Meaning

    Some characteristic forenames: Spanish Jose, Juan, Luis, Carlos, Manuel, Pedro, Francisco, Jorge, Jesus, Rafael, Miguel, Roberto. Portuguese Paulo, Ligia, Vasco, Catarina, Conceicao, Joao, Omero, Serafim, Wenceslao.

    Spanish and Portuguese: habitational name, probably from Vargas in Cantabria, or a topographic name from vargas, plural of varga, a dialect term meaning ‘(thatched) hut, steep slope’ or ‘fenced pastureland which becomes waterlogged in winter’. Compare Bargas and De Vargas .

    Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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