Rayburn Bennett

Maleabout 1940–February 1995

Brief Life History of Rayburn

When Rayburn Bennett was born about 1940, in South Carolina, United States, his father, Oliver Bennett, was 23 and his mother, Mae Bell Murphy, was 18. He died in February 1995, in his hometown, at the age of 56.

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Family Time Line

Oliver Bennett
Mae Bell Murphy
Rayburn Bennett
about 1940–1995

Sources (0)


    There are no historical documents attached to Rayburn.

    Parents and Siblings

    Siblings (1)

    World Events (8)


    Age 1

    Japanese attack Pearl Harbor.

    1949 · Briggs vs. Elliot

    Age 9

    Briggs v Elliot is filed with the federal court in South Carolina. The idea is that parents of African American students want bus transportation for their students. This request is later combined with Brown v the Board of Education case.

    1955 · The Civil Rights Movement Begins

    Age 15

    The civil rights movement was a movement to enforce constitutional and legal rights for African Americans that the other Americans enjoyed. By using nonviolent campaigns, those involved secured new recognition in laws and federal protection of all Americans. Moderators worked with Congress to pass of several pieces of legislation that overturned discriminatory practices.

    Name Meaning

    English: from the medieval personal name Benedict , from Latin Benedictus ‘blessed’. In the 12th century the Latin form of the name is found in England alongside versions derived from the Old French form Beneit, Benoit, which was common among the Normans. The surname has also been established in Ireland since the 14th century.

    German: from a short form of the personal name Bernhard .

    Altered form of French Benet or Bennet or of some other similar (like-sounding) French surname. Altered ending reflects the Canadian and American French practice of sounding the final -t.

    Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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