When Palmer H Vesterso was born on 31 August 1923, in Egeland, Towner, North Dakota, United States, his father, Knud Vesterso, was 46 and his mother, Christine Peterson, was 34. He had at least 1 son and 2 daughters with Betty Thomas. He lived in Teddy Township, Towner, North Dakota, United States for about 25 years. He died on 30 September 1996, in Fargo, Cass, North Dakota, United States, at the age of 73, and was buried in Egeland, Towner, North Dakota, United States.
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Charles Lindbergh makes the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight in his plane The Spirit of St. Louis.
13 million people become unemployed after the Wall Street stock market crash of 1929 triggers what becomes known as the Great Depression. President Herbert Hoover rejects direct federal relief.
The G.I. Bill was a law that provided a range of benefits for returning World War II veterans that were on active duty during the war and weren't dishonorably discharged. The goal was to provide rewards for all World War II veterans. The act avoided life insurance policy payouts because of political distress caused after the end of World War I. But the Benefits that were included were: Dedicated payments of tuition and living expenses to attend high school, college or vocational/technical school, low-cost mortgages, low-interest loans to start a business, as well as one year of unemployment compensation. By the mid-1950s, around 7.8 million veterans used the G.I. Bill education benefits.
Transferred use of the surname, which originally denoted someone who had made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Such pilgrims generally brought back a palm branch as proof that they had actually made the journey.
Dictionary of First Names © Patrick Hanks and Flavia Hodges 1990, 2003, 2006.
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