When Johann F. Heinrichs was born on 24 May 1895, his father, Franz H. Heinrichs, was 31 and his mother, Maria J. Eck, was 26. He married Elisabeth Dueck on 7 March 1918. They were the parents of at least 3 sons and 2 daughters. He died on 18 July 1961, in Herbert, Morse No. 165, Saskatchewan, Canada, at the age of 66, and was buried in Herbert, Morse No. 165, Saskatchewan, Canada.
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Joseph V. Stalin made general secretary of party. Treaty of Rapallo signed with Germany.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Soviet Union) established, comprising Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian, and Transcaucasian republics.
Five-year plan against religion declared.
German: patronymic from Heinrich .
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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