Joseph Lionel Massé

MaleJune 1916–16 April 2007

Brief Life History of Joseph Lionel

Joseph Lionel Massé was born in June 1916, in St-Albert, The Nation, Prescott and Russell, Ontario, Canada. He died on 16 April 2007, at the age of 90.

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Family Time Line

Joseph Lionel Massé
Marie Alda T. Delisle

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    There are no historical documents attached to Joseph Lionel.

    Spouse and Children

    World Events (3)

    1934 · Dionne Quintuplets Born

    Age 18

    Born on May 28, 1934, the Dionne quintuplets were the first set of quintuplets to survive infancy. The five girls were born two months prematuare and months later were taken from their parents by the Red Cross. In the 1940s they were returned to their family.

    1943 · Conservative Party Wins Ontario Election

    Age 27

    George A. Drew was the leader of the Progressive Conservative Party. In 1943, they won the Ontario election.


    Age 66

    Canada Act is passed. The United Kingdom transfers final legal powers over Canada. The country adopts its new constitution, which includes a charter of rights.

    Name Meaning

    Some characteristic forenames: French Armand, Marcel, Normand, Pierre, Lucien, Michel, Serge, Alain, Alban, Alcide, Andre, Aurele.

    French (Massé): habitational name from Massé in Maine-et-Loire, so named from Gallo-Roman Macciacum (from the personal name Maccius + the locative suffix -acum).

    French (Massé): variant of Macé (see Mace 3), in part a cognate of 1 above.

    Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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