Anthony Edward Williams Sr.

Brief Life History of Anthony Edward

When Anthony Edward Williams Sr. was born on 21 March 1953, in Graham, North Carolina, United States, his father, Claude Albert Gorham, was 28 and his mother, Bernice Williams, was 19. He died on 20 January 2007, in Robbinsville, Graham, North Carolina, United States, at the age of 53, and was buried in Graham, North Carolina, United States.

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Family Time Line

Claude Albert Gorham
Bernice Williams
Anthony Edward Williams Sr.

Sources (9)

  • Tony Edward Williams, "North Carolina Birth Index, 1800-2000"
  • Tony Edward Williams, "North Carolina, County Marriages, 1762-1979 "
  • Tony E Williams, "United States Social Security Death Index"

World Events (8)

1955 · The Civil Rights Movement Begins

The civil rights movement was a movement to enforce constitutional and legal rights for African Americans that the other Americans enjoyed. By using nonviolent campaigns, those involved secured new recognition in laws and federal protection of all Americans. Moderators worked with Congress to pass of several pieces of legislation that overturned discriminatory practices.

1959 · Research Triangle Park Opens

High-tech growth happened when in 1959 the research triangle park was opened. The park goes between Raleigh, Burham, and Chapel Hill.


Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. , is assassinated in Memphis, Tenn.

Name Meaning

English: variant of William , with genitival or post-medieval excrescent -s. This form of the surname is also common in Wales. In North America, this surname has also absorbed some cognates from other languages, such as Dutch Willems . Williams is the third most frequent surname in the US. It is also very common among African Americans and Native Americans.

History: This surname was brought to North America from southern England and Wales independently by many different bearers from the 17th century onward. Roger Williams, born in London in 1603, came to MA in 1630, but the clergyman was banished from the colony for his criticism of the Puritan government; he fled to RI and founded Providence.

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

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