Betty Winn Lockhart

Brief Life History of Betty Winn

When Betty Winn Lockhart was born on 3 July 1930, in Virginia, United States, her father, Joseph Burton Lockhart, was 23 and her mother, Sarah Ruby Wolfe, was 21. She married Vernon Alexander Cook on 2 September 1959, in Covington, Virginia, United States. She lived in Alleghany, Virginia, United States in 1935 and Covington District, Alleghany, Virginia, United States in 1940. She died on 7 November 2006, in Virginia, United States, at the age of 76.

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Family Time Line

Vernon Alexander Cook
Betty Winn Lockhart
Marriage: 2 September 1959

Sources (4)

  • Betty Winn Lockhart in household of Joseph B Lockhart, "United States Census, 1940"
  • Betty Winn Lockhart, "Virginia, Marriage Certificates, 1936-1988"
  • Betty Winn Lockhart Cook, "Find A Grave Index"

Spouse and Children

World Events (8)


The Star-Spangled Banner is adopted as the national anthem.

1941 · Pentagon is Built in Arlington

The Pentagon was developed as the Department of Defense had outgrown the other buildings were it was previous located.The groundbreaking for the Pentagon was on September 11, 1941. When the Pentagon was being built, it was determined that it could be no taller than four stories high. Colonel Leslie R. Groves was the supervisor of the project, he would later become known for helping on the Manhattan Project.


United States military forces play a leading role against North Korean and Chinese troops in Korean War.

Name Meaning

Scottish and English: nickname from Old French locart, a Normanno-Picard form of Old French lo(s)chart ‘one who squints, who is cross-eyed’, attested in 13th- and 14th-century Arras (Pas-de-Calais) as Louchard, Lochard, Locard and Locart. It is a derivative of Latin luscus ‘one-eyed’. In France Locard is mostly found in Normandy (especially Calvados) c. 1900, while Louchart is mainly concentrated in Pas-de-Calais at the same time.

Americanized form of German Luckhardt .

History: According to family tradition, Sir Simon Locard held the key to the locked silver casket in which Robert the Bruce's heart was taken to be buried in the Holy Land in 1329. This unverifiable story is no doubt related to the later spelling of the Scottish surname as Lockhart and to the addition of a heart and fetterlock to the family coat of arms (date unknown).

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

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