Christophe Gouas

Male18 October 1966–2 July 1995

Brief Life History of Christophe

Christophe Gouas was born on 18 October 1966, in Le Mans, Sarthe, Maine, France. He died on 2 July 1995, in his hometown, at the age of 28.

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    There are no historical documents attached to Christophe.

    World Events (3)


    Age 2

    Grenoble, France hosts Winter Olympic Games.


    Age 3

    "Georges Pompidou's presidency (1969-1974). Economic development. Continued European construction (first attempt to coordinate currencies by setting up the ""snake"" on 10 April 1972, and expansion of the European Communities to include Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom on 1 January 1973). First oil shock (1973). Presidency of Valãry Giscard d'Estaing (1974-1981). Stages in European construction: European Council established (December 1974), first Lomã Convention signed (28 February 1975), European Monetary System, EMS, set up (1 January 1979), accession of Greece (1 January 1981)."


    Age 15

    Presidency of Franãois Mitterrand (elected 1981, reelected 1988). Death penalty abolished (1981). Decentralization laws passed (1982). Rules governing radio and television stations are liberalized (1982). European construction progresses: Spain and Portugal join on 1 January 1986, the Single Act comes into effect on 1 July 1987, the Treaty on European Union (Treaty of Maastricht) is ratified by referendum (20 September 1992).

    Name Meaning

    Some characteristic forenames: Polish Danuta.

    Polish: nickname from golas ‘naked man’.

    Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

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