Nils Teodor Tufvedsson

Male13 July 1879–25 September 1961

Brief Life History of Nils Teodor

When Nils Teodor Tufvedsson was born on 13 July 1879, in Lindås, Kronoberg, Sweden, his father, Tufve Andersson, was 39 and his mother, Sissa Danielsdotter, was 40. He married Frida Linnea Feldt on 1 June 1936, in Lindås, Kronoberg, Sweden. He lived in Hallaryd, Kronoberg, Sweden for about 30 years. He died on 25 September 1961, in Kristianstad, Sweden, at the age of 82.

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Family Time Line

Nils Teodor Tufvedsson
Frida Linnea Feldt
Marriage: 1 June 1936

Sources (8)

  • Swedish Death Index, 1860-2016 (version 7.00 pre)
  • Nils Theodor in household of Tufved Andersson, "Sweden, Household Examination Books, 1880-1930"
  • Nils Theodor in household of Tufved Andersson, "Sweden, Household Examination Books, 1880-1930"

Spouse and Children

  • Marriage
    1 June 1936Lindås, Kronoberg, Sweden
  • Parents and Siblings

    Siblings (5)

    World Events (8)

    1884 · Fredrika Bremer Association is Founded

    Age 5

    Fredrika Bremer Association was founded in 1884 and is Sweden's oldest women's rights organization.


    Age 18

    World exposition held in Stockholm. First Swedish car built.


    Age 22

    First Nobel Prize awarded.

    Name Meaning

    vernacular form of Niklas .

    Dictionary of First Names © Patrick Hanks and Flavia Hodges 1990, 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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