When Lavina Pessoa Cabral Lopes was born on 3 April 1954, in Alto Longá, Piauí, Brazil, her father, Raimundo Pessoa Cabral, was 31 and her mother, Adelina De Sousa Cabral, was 27. She died on 26 October 2021, in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, at the age of 67.
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Some characteristic forenames: Spanish Manuel, Jose, Carlos, Fernando, Luis, Julio, Mario, Americo, Armando, Jorge, Alvaro, Ana. Portuguese Joao, Joaquim, Ilidio, Martinho, Paulo, Serafim, Anabela, Duarte, Mateus, Aderito, Afonso, Agostinho.
Portuguese and Galician: patronymic from the medieval personal name Lopo (from Latin lupus ‘wolf’).
Spanish: variant or altered form of López (see Lopez ).
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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