Louisa E. Burkett was born about 1867, in New Jersey, United States. She married Andrew Johnson Dalrymple on 11 December 1886, in Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States. She lived in Delaware Township, Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States in 1915. She died in 1948, at the age of 82.
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1866–1954 Male
1867–1948 Female
English: from an Old English personal name, Burgheard, composed of the elements burh, burg ‘fort’ (see Burke ) + heard ‘hardy, brave, strong’. The name was reintroduced into Middle English by the Normans in the forms Bou(r)chart, Bocard.
English: possibly also from a Middle English personal name Burcard, Burchard (Norman Burcard, Old French Burchard), which was imported by the Normans and derives from ancient Germanic Burghard (in the form Burkhard this was a very popular medieval German name; see Burkhart ), cognate with the Old English name above. In France this gives rise to the surname Bouchard , Bouchart, but evidence for its use in Norman England is difficult to pin down and modern surnames in Burch- often have a different origin altogether.
English: variant of Birkett , a spelling commonly found in northern England.
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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