Maria Madalena Pereira

Femaleabout 1873–about 1943

Brief Life History of Maria Madalena

Maria Madalena Pereira was born about 1873, in Brazil. She had at least 1 son with Antonio Gabriel Pereira. She died about 1943, in her hometown, at the age of 72.

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Family Time Line

Antonio Gabriel Pereira
1870–about 1926
Maria Madalena Pereira
about 1873–about 1943
Anicanor Pereira
about 1920–1970

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    There are no historical documents attached to Maria Madalena.

    Spouse and Children

    Children (1)

    Name Meaning

    Some characteristic forenames: Spanish Jose, Manuel, Carlos, Luis, Mario, Fernando, Jorge, Francisco, Pedro, Juan, Julio, Armando. Portuguese Joao, Paulo, Joaquim, Henrique, Ilidio, Agostinho, Duarte, Amadeu, Adao, Ademir, Ligia, Aderito.

    Portuguese and Galician: topographic name from Portuguese pereira ‘pear tree’, or a habitational name from a place called with this word in Portugal and Galicia (Spain). This surname is also found in western India, having been taken there by Portuguese colonists.

    Jewish (Sephardic): adoption of the Iberian surname (see 1 above) at the moment of conversion to Roman Catholicism. After the return to Judaism (generations later), some descendants retained the name their families used as Catholics.

    Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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