Bill Short


Brief Life History of Bill

Bill Short was born in 1905, in United States. He died in 1961, in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, United States, at the age of 56.

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Family Time Line

Bill Short
Grace Morrison

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    There are no historical documents attached to Bill.

    Spouse and Children

    World Events (3)

    1906 · Saving Food Labels

    Age 1

    The first of many consumer protection laws which ban foreign and interstate traffic in mislabeled food and drugs. It requires that ingredients be placed on the label.

    1907 · Pike's Market

    Age 2

    Pike’s Market is one of the oldest still working farmer’s markets in the US. It is located in Seattle’s central business district, just north of Belltown , and southwest of central waterfront and Elliott Bay. One of the attractions there is the gum wall. 

    1907 · Mount Olympus National Monument is Established

    Age 2

    Now known as Olympic National Park, Mount Olympus National Monument was created on March 2nd, 1909 by Teddy Roosevelt and declared a national park by Franklin Roosevelt. This area is where eight different Indian tribes use to be located. It is known for the glacier capped mountains and rainforests.

    Name Meaning

    English: nickname for a short person, from Middle English short ‘short’ (Old English sceort).

    English: topographic name for someone who lived at a detached or cut-off piece of land (Middle English shorte, shirte, from Old English scierte, scerte, scyrte) or else a habitational name from a place so named, such as Shoart in Harbeldown (Kent) and Shuart in Saint Nicholas at Wade (Kent). Compare Shorter .

    Irish and Scottish: adopted for Gaelic Mac an Gheairr, Mac an Ghirr ‘son of the short man’ (see McGirr ).

    Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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