When Ana Maria Franco was born on 26 July 1917, in Toluca, Mexico, Mexico, her father, Jose Esteban Franco, was 34 and her mother, Engracia Ochoa, was 11914. She died on 9 July 2002, in Weslaco, Hidalgo, Texas, United States, at the age of 84.
Some characteristic forenames: Spanish Jose, Manuel, Carlos, Juan, Luis, Jesus, Francisco, Ruben, Alfredo, Miguel, Ricardo, Jorge. Portuguese Paulo, Joao, Godofredo, Nelio. Italian Antonio, Salvatore, Marco, Angelo, Carmine, Lorenzo, Carlo, Elio, Enrico, Mauro, Rocco, Dante.
Spanish and Italian: from the personal name Franco, in origin an ethnic name for a Frank (see Frank 2).
Italian and Spanish: nickname or status name from franco ‘free’ (usually denoting a freed slave).
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