Nellie Shultz

Female22 March 1880–24 March 1962

Brief Life History of Nellie

When Nellie Shultz was born on 22 March 1880, in Ohioville, Beaver, Pennsylvania, United States, her father, George Weslie Shultz, was 27 and her mother, Susan Elmira Miller, was 21. She married Thomas J Griffith on 21 September 1902, in Hocking, Ohio, United States. They were the parents of at least 2 sons. She lived in Sewellsville, Kirkwood Township, Belmont, Ohio, United States in 1950 and Belmont, Ohio, United States in 1962. She died on 24 March 1962, in Belmont, Goshen Township, Belmont, Ohio, United States, at the age of 82, and was buried in Morristown, Union Township, Belmont, Ohio, United States.

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Family Time Line

Thomas J Griffith
Nellie Shultz
Marriage: 21 September 1902
William Thomas Griffiths
Raymond Harold Griffith

Sources (15)

  • Nellie F Griffiths, "United States 1950 Census"
  • Nellie Schultz, "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2013"
  • Nellie M. Griffith, "Ohio, County Death Records, 1840-2001"

Spouse and Children

  • Marriage
    21 September 1902Hocking, Ohio, United States
  • Children (2)

    Parents and Siblings

    Siblings (6)

    +1 More Child

    World Events (8)

    1881 · The Assassination of James Garfield

    Age 1

    Garfield was shot twice by Charles J. Guitea at Railroad Station in Washington, D.C. on July 2, 1881. After eleven weeks of intensive and other care Garfield died in Elberon, New Jersey, the second of four presidents to be assassinated, following Abraham Lincoln.

    1882 · The Chinese Exclusion Act

    Age 2

    A federal law prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers. The Act was the first law to prevent all members of a national group from immigrating to the United States.

    1902 · So Much Farm Land

    Age 22

    A law that funded many irrigation and agricultural projects in the western states.

    Name Meaning

    Americanized form of German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) Schulz and Schultz , Polish Szulc , and Czech, Slovak, Croatian, and Slovenian Šulc (see Sulc ).

    Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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