When Domenico INFANTE was born about 1770, in Bagnoli Irpino, Avellino, Campania, Italy, his father, Vincenzo INFANTE, was 26 and his mother, Vittoria FRASCA, was 31.
Some characteristic forenames: Spanish Jose, Carlos, Pedro, Rafael, Manuel, Juan, Angel, Fernando, Ramon, Francisco, Ana, Eduardo. Italian Antonio, Marco, Angelo, Aniello, Carmine, Leonardo, Adalgisa, Attilio, Carlo, Carmelo, Deno.
Spanish: from infante literally ‘child’ (see 2 below), but in Spain also a title borne by the eldest sons of noblemen before they inherited, and in particular by the son of the king of Castile; thus the surname probably originated either as a nickname for one of a lordly disposition or as an occupational name for a member of the household of an infante. Compare Ynfante .
Italian: nickname for someone with a childlike disposition, from infante ‘child’ (from Latin infans, literally ‘one who cannot speak’).
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