When Sarah Elizabeth Flannery was born on 9 November 1886, in South Webster, Scioto, Ohio, United States, her father, Augustus B. Flanery, was 21 and her mother, Judith Holbrook, was 20. She died on 31 May 1936, in Lovejoy Township, Iroquois, Illinois, United States, at the age of 49, and was buried in Iroquois, Illinois, United States.
Some characteristic forenames: Irish Brendan, Brian Patrick, Declan, Donal, Kiernan, Paddy, Seamus, Senan.
Irish (Connacht): shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Flannghaile ‘descendant of Flannghal’, a personal name composed of the elements flann ‘red, ruddy’ + gal ‘valor’.
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