Mary Thompson Easton

Brief Life History of Mary Thompson

When Mary Thompson Easton was born on 31 January 1852, in Canada, her father, Neil Robert Easton, was 23 and her mother, Ann Jamieson, was 23. She died on 8 February 1948, in Stockton, San Joaquin, California, United States, at the age of 96.

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Family Time Line

Neil Robert Easton
Ann Jamieson
George Easton
Neil Easton
Mary Thompson Easton
William Easton
Robert Easton
Margaret Easton
Jennie Easton
Elizabeth Easton

Sources (4)

  • Mary Thompson Smith, "California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994"
  • Mary Thompson Smith, "California Death Index, 1940-1997"
  • Mary Hall in entry for William Easton and Elizabeth Sparling, "Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927"

World Events (3)


Abraham Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation, declaring slaves in Confederate states to be free.

1863 · The Battle at Gettysburg

The Battle of Gettysburg involved the largest number of casualties of the entire Civil war and is often described as the war's turning point. Between 46,000 and 51,000 soldiers lost their lives during the three-day Battle. To honor the fallen soldiers, President Abraham Lincoln read his historic Gettysburg Address and helped those listening by redefining the purpose of the war.


British Columbia joins the confederation.

Name Meaning

English and Scottish: habitational name from any of the many places in England called Easton ‘the eastern village, estate, or manor’ (Berkshire, Cumberland, East Yorkshire, Hampshire, Huntingdonshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Somerset, Wiltshire), as well as from Easton (Peeblesshire) or Easton near Bathgate (West Lothian) in Scotland. The name may also arise from any of the places called Easton which have different etymologies, in Devon, Essex, and Northamptonshire. Easton in Devon gets its first element from the genitive case of the Old English personal name Ælfrīc (Old English ælf ‘elf’ + rīc ‘power’) or Athelrīc (Old English athel ‘noble’ + rīc ‘power’). Easton Neston in Northamptonshire arises from Old English Ēadstānestūn ‘settlement of Ēadstān’, a personal name composed of the elements ēad ‘prosperity, riches’ + stān ‘stone’. Great and Little Easton in Essex are from the Old English personal name Æga + stān(as) ‘stone(s)’.

English and Scottish: topographic name from Middle English (bi) este(n) tune (Old English be ēastan tūne), denoting someone who lived at the east end of a village, or from Middle English atte(n) este(n) tune ‘at (the place to) the east of the village’, a type of formation particular to Sussex. Compare Weston , Sutton , and Outen .

English: from the Middle English personal name Estan (Old English Ēadstān, from ēad ‘prosperity’ + stān ‘stone’).

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

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