When Murphy was born on 3 June 1934, in Mineola, Wood, Texas, United States, her father, Alfred E Murphy, was 31 and her mother, Ethell Leedonia Northcutt, was 26. She died on 3 June 1934, in Wood, Texas, United States, at the age of 0, and was buried in Jamestown, Newton, Texas, United States.
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Some characteristic forenames: Irish Brendan, Liam, Aileen, Kieran, Brigid, Donal, Siobhan, Eamon, Aidan, Dermot, John Patrick, Declan.
Irish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Murchadha ‘descendant of Murchadh’, a personal name composed of the elements muir ‘sea’ + cath ‘battle’, i.e. ‘sea warrior’. This was an important family in Tyrone. For the surname with mac, see also McMurrough (Leinster).
English: variant of Morphey (see Morphew ).
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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