Maria Luisa Solari Romero was born on 16 April 1884, in Pisagua, Tarapacá, Chile as the daughter of Juan Solari Cánepa and Anastacia Romero De Solari.
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Period of Parliamentary Republic.
Some characteristic forenames: Italian Mario, Angelo, Dario, Gustavo, Aldo, Attilio, Benito, Cesare, Chiara, Dante, Dino, Enrico, Franco, Gianna, Libero. Spanish Fernando, Miguel, Pedro, Ana Cristina, Benicio, Blanca.
Italian (northern): habitational name for someone from any of various places called Solaro or Solara, from solaro ‘site, plot, meadow’, literally ‘land exposed to the sun’. This surname is also common in Argentina.
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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