Matilda Christine Racette was born in 1843. She married Philip Felix Xavier Lavoie about 1862. They were the parents of at least 6 sons and 2 daughters. She died on 7 December 1876, in Iroquois, Illinois, United States, at the age of 33, and was buried in L'Erable, Iroquois, Illinois, United States.
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U.S. acquires vast tracts of Mexican territory in wake of Mexican War including California and New Mexico.
Starting as a voluntary association to help buyers and sellers meet to negotiate and make contracts. The Chicago Board of Trade is one of the oldest futures and options exchanges in the world and it is open 22 hours per day to stay competitive.
Historical Boundaries: 1854: Iroquois, Illinois, United States
Some characteristic forenames: French Armand, Aurele, Gaetan, Normand, Odette, Rodolphe.
Altered form (via Racet) of French Rasset , reflecting the Canadian and American French practice of sounding the final -t.
History: Jean Rasset/Racet from Sainte-Geneviève in Seine-Maritime, France, married Jeanne Chapeau in Quebec City, QC, in 1678.
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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