Johanah Lockwood

Brief Life History of Johanah

When Johanah Lockwood was born on 23 February 1779, in New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States, her father, Nathanial Lockwood Jr, was 27 and her mother, Annis Bostwick, was 25. She married Thomas Collins about 1800, in New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She died on 2 July 1799, in Hinesburg, Chittenden, Vermont, United States, at the age of 20.

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Family Time Line

Thomas Collins
Johanah Lockwood

Sources (1)

  • Johannah Lockwood, "Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954"

Spouse and Children

World Events (3)

1781 · The First Constitution

Serving the newly created United States of America as the first constitution, the Articles of Confederation were an agreement among the 13 original states preserving the independence and sovereignty of the states. But with a limited central government, the Constitutional Convention came together to replace the Articles of Confederation with a more established Constitution and central government on where the states can be represented and voice their concerns and comments to build up the nation.

1781 · British Forces Capture Fort Griswold

The capture of Fort Griswold was the final act of treason that Benedict Arnold committed. This would be a British victory. On the American side 85 were killed, 35 wounded and paroled, 28 taken prisoner, 13 escaped, and 1 twelve year old was captured and released.

1783 · A Free America

The Revolutionary War ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris which gave the new nation boundries on which they could expand and trade with other countries without any problems.

Name Meaning

English: habitational name from one of three places called Lockwood, one in Yorkshire, one in North Yorkshire and another in Staffordshire. The Yorkshire and Staffordshire placenames both derive from Old English loc ‘lock, enclosure, fold’ + wudu ‘wood’. The North Yorkshire placename derives from Old English loc + Old Norse vithr ‘wood’. The surname appears to have migrated to East Anglia.

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

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