Jeannie Adrian

Brief Life History of Jeannie

When Jeannie Adrian was born on 13 January 1876, in McNab Braeside Township, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada, her father, William Adrain, was 27 and her mother, Charlotte Jackson, was 19. She married Henry Herbert Glenn on 21 June 1899, in Renfrew, Ontario, Canada. They were the parents of at least 3 sons and 5 daughters. She died on 30 September 1948, in McNab Township, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada, at the age of 72, and was buried in Albert, Hastings, Ontario, Canada.

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Family Time Line

Henry Herbert Glenn
Jeannie Adrian
Marriage: 21 June 1899
Audrey May Glenn
Dalton Ebert Glenn
William Wesley Glenn
Elsie Glenn
Elizabeth Charlotte Jane Glenn
Dorothy Florence Glenn
Sarah Alice Glenn
Colin Harrison Glenn

Sources (12)

  • Jane Adraen in household of William Adraen, "Canada Census, 1881"
  • Jeannie Adrian, "Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927"
  • Jennie Adrane in entry for Elizabeth Jean Glenn, "Ontario Births, 1869-1912"

World Events (5)

1883 · Mining Boom

In 1883, there was a mining boom in Northern Ontario when mineral deposits were found near Sudbury. Thomas Flanagan was the blacksmith for the Canadian Pacific Railway that noticed the deposits in the river.

1886 · First Workmen's Comp Act

In 1886, Ontario passed its first Workmen's Compensation Act. This was in response to the number of railway workers that were being injured.

1906 · Hydro-Electric of Ontario

Ontario Hydro was established in 1906. It is the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.

Name Meaning

English, French, German, Polish, and Romanian: from a vernacular form of the Latin personal name Adrianus (Hadrianus), originally an ethnic name denoting someone from the coast of the Adriatic (Latin Adria). It was borne by several minor early Christian saints, in particular a martyr at Nicomedia (died c. 304), the patron saint of soldiers and butchers. Later, the name was adopted by several popes, including the only pope of English birth, Nicholas Breakspear, who reigned as Adrian IV (1154–59).

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

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