When Arthur Henry Innocend was born on 8 February 1915, in Blackall, Queensland, Australia, his father, Robert Jules Michael Innocend, was 29 and his mother, Isabell Beatrice Cahill, was 31. He died on 20 August 1985, in Miles, Queensland, Australia, at the age of 70, and was buried in Miles, Queensland, Australia.
Some characteristic forenames: French/Haitian Francois, Dominique, Ernst, Flavie, Fresnel, Fritz, Jean Claude, Jean-Robert, Johann, Magalie, Mathurin, Pierre, Regine, Remy, Reynald.
French, West Indian (mainly Haiti), and African (mainly Nigeria and Tanzania): from the French and English personal name Innocent, Latin Innocentius, from innocens ‘harmless, non-violent’. This was borne by several Christian saints, including a 4th-century bishop of Tortona, Italy, and a 6th-century bishop of Le Mans, France. This surname was brought to the US mostly from Haiti and Nigeria.
English (Yorkshire): nickname from Old French, Middle English innocent ‘innocent, holy, saintly’.
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