Bobbie Turner


Brief Life History of Bobbie

Bobbie Turner had at least 1 daughter with Frank Turner. She died in 1995, in Yale, Payne, Oklahoma, United States.

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    There are no historical documents attached to Bobbie.

    Spouse and Children

    Children (1)

    World Events (3)

    1881 · The Assassination of James Garfield

    Garfield was shot twice by Charles J. Guitea at Railroad Station in Washington, D.C. on July 2, 1881. After eleven weeks of intensive and other care Garfield died in Elberon, New Jersey, the second of four presidents to be assassinated, following Abraham Lincoln.

    1882 · The Chinese Exclusion Act

    A federal law prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers. The Act was the first law to prevent all members of a national group from immigrating to the United States.


    The Oklahoma Land Run on April 22, 1889, was the first land rush, or land opened for settlement on a first-come basis, opened to the Unassigned Lands. The land rush lured approximately 50,000 people, saddled with their fastest horses, looking to claim their piece of the newly available two million acres. The requirements included the settler to live and improve on their 160 acres for five years in order to receive the title. Choice land tempted people to hide out and get an early lead on their claim. These people became known as “sooners.” It is estimated that eleven thousand homesteads were claimed. Oklahoma Historical Society - Land Run of 1889

    Name Meaning

    English: occupational name from Middle English t(o)urnour, turner ‘turner’ (Old French to(u)rn(e)our), mainly denoting someone who fashioned small objects of wood, metal, or bone on a lathe, but also a variety of other occupations, including turnspit and translator or interpreter. This surname may have become confused with Toner . In North America, it is also very common among African Americans.

    English: occasionally perhaps a nickname from Middle English turn-hare, a compound of Middle English tournen ‘to turn, direct, steer’ + hare ‘hare’, a name for someone in charge of the greyhounds in hare coursing or an exaggerated compliment for someone who could run fast. See also Turnbull .

    English: perhaps also from Middle English t(o)urn(e)our ‘jouster, one who takes part in a tournament’ (Old French tornoieor, tournoieur).

    Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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