When Hella May Williams was born on 4 September 1909, in Texas, United States, her father, James Knox Williams, was 36 and her mother, Annie Preston Daugherty, was 35. She lived in Plainview, Hale, Texas, United States in 1930 and Justice Precinct 1, Midland, Texas, United States in 1940. She died on 1 October 2004, at the age of 95, and was buried in Midland, Midland, Texas, United States.
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Being modeled after the Boy Scout Association in England, The Boy Scouts of America is a program for young teens to learn traits, life and social skills, and many other things to remind the public about the general act of service and kindness to others.
Historical Boundaries: 1917: Hudspeth, Texas, United States
The Bureau of Investigation's name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to help citizens know that the Government is helping protect from threats both domestically and abroad.
English: variant of William , with genitival or post-medieval excrescent -s. This form of the surname is also common in Wales. In North America, this surname has also absorbed some cognates from other languages, such as Dutch Willems . Williams is the third most frequent surname in the US. It is also very common among African Americans and Native Americans.
History: This surname was brought to North America from southern England and Wales independently by many different bearers from the 17th century onward. Roger Williams, born in London in 1603, came to MA in 1630, but the clergyman was banished from the colony for his criticism of the Puritan government; he fled to RI and founded Providence.
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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