Juana Lopez Vizcaino

Brief Life History of Juana

Juana Lopez Vizcaino was born in September 1834, in Almansa, Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain as the daughter of Franco Lopez de Tevar and Margarita Maria Vizcaino Tomas.

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Family Time Line

Franco Lopez de Tevar
Margarita Maria Vizcaino Tomas
Juana Lopez Vizcaino
Pascual Antonio Lopez Vizcaino

Sources (1)

  • Juana Lopez, "España, Diócesis de Albacete, registros parroquiales, 1504-1979"

World Events (8)

1835 · Battle of the Alamo

"General Santa Ana and his troops defeat the American side, who sought shelter in a mission church, in San Antonio. This defeat would inspire the American side to victory in later battles, making the battle cry ""Remember the Alamo!"" a well known phrase."

1835 · Battle of Gonzalez

On Oct 2, 1835, the Texas revolution begins as a result of the Battle of Gonzalez. Texas gains eventually its independence from Mexico in 1836.

1868 · The glorious revolution

In September 1868 a mix of military and civil bandits dethroned queen Isabel II, starting a period of democratic rule.

Name Meaning

Some characteristic forenames: Spanish Juan, Manuel, Carlos, Luis, Jesus, Francisco, Pedro, Miguel, Jorge, Raul, Ramon, Mario.

Spanish (López): patronymic from the medieval personal name Lope ‘wolf’. This is one of the commonest of all Spanish surnames. In the US, it is the twelfth most frequent surname. Compare De Lopez .

Jewish (Sephardic): adoption of the Spanish surname (see 1 above) at the moment of conversion to Roman Catholicism. After the return to Judaism (generations later), some descendants retained the name their families used as Catholics.

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

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