Ronald E. Short was born on 28 June 1932. He died on 26 November 1996, in Massachusetts, United States, at the age of 64.
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1932–1996 Male
1936–1982 Female
English: nickname for a short person, from Middle English short ‘short’ (Old English sceort).
English: topographic name for someone who lived at a detached or cut-off piece of land (Middle English shorte, shirte, from Old English scierte, scerte, scyrte) or else a habitational name from a place so named, such as Shoart in Harbeldown (Kent) and Shuart in Saint Nicholas at Wade (Kent). Compare Shorter .
Irish and Scottish: adopted for Gaelic Mac an Gheairr, Mac an Ghirr ‘son of the short man’ (see McGirr ).
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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