Louis Charles Marie SOUCAT

Male4 November 1873–13 November 1944

Brief Life History of Louis Charles Marie

Louis Charles Marie SOUCAT was born on 4 November 1873. He married Marie Louise Alphonsine MÉNARD on 12 October 1897. He died on 13 November 1944, at the age of 71.

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Family Time Line

Louis Charles Marie SOUCAT
"André" Adolphe Marie Octave SOUCAT

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    There are no historical documents attached to Louis Charles Marie.

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    Name Meaning

    name, of Germanic (Frankish) origin, from hlōd ‘fame’ + wīg ‘war’. It was very common in French royal and noble families. Louis I ( 778–840 ) was the son of Charlemagne, who ruled as both King of France and Holy Roman Emperor. Altogether, the name was borne by sixteen kings of France up to the French Revolution, in which Louis XVI perished. Louis XIV, ‘the Sun King’ ( 1638–1715 ), reigned for seventy-two years ( 1643–1715 ), presiding in the middle part of his reign over a period of unparalleled French power and prosperity. In modern times Louis is also found in the English-speaking world (usually pronounced ‘loo-ee’). In Britain the Anglicized form Lewis is rather more common, whereas in America the reverse is true.

    Dictionary of First Names © Patrick Hanks and Flavia Hodges 1990, 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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