Susana Miranda

Female27 June 1952–16 September 2007

Brief Life History of Susana

Susana Miranda was born on 27 June 1952, in Mexico City, Mexico. She had at least 1 son. She died on 16 September 2007, in Cancún, Benito Juárez, Quintana Roo, Mexico, at the age of 55.

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Family Time Line

Susana Miranda
Roberto Garcia

Sources (1)

  • Ancestry Family Trees

Spouse and Children

Children (1)

World Events (3)


Age 6

Adolfo López Mateos presidency. Increased foreign investments in Mexico and control of economy by foreign (mainly United States) interests. Land redistribution policies and increased agricultural production. Greater participation of minority parties in political process.


Age 12

Gustavo Díaz Ordaz presidency. Termination of bracero program. Foreign firms operate in Mexico on grand scale. Student unrest leads to Tlatelolco Massacre in 1968.

1968 · The �Tlatelolco Massacre

Age 16

On Oct. 2, 1968, police oficers, and military troops shoot into a crowd of students, who happen to be unarmed, killing 10 and wounding 20, but the exact numbers are a mystery. There ae documents which indicate that snipers posted up by the Mexican military fired onto the police and fellow military, provoking the open fire into the group of students.

Name Meaning

Some characteristic forenames: Spanish Jose, Manuel, Carlos, Luis, Juan, Jorge, Miguel, Jesus, Pedro, Francisco, Mario, Rafael. Portuguese Paulo, Joaquim, Godofredo, Joao, Albano, Amadeu, Anatolio, Lidio, Marcio. Italian Antonio, Angelo, Lorenzo, Marco, Salvatore, Luciano, Carmelo, Dario, Fausto, Federico, Sal, Gilda.

Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian: habitational name from any of numerous places in Spain, Portugal, and Italy named Miranda. The placename is of ultimate Latin origin, a cognate of 2 below. This surname is also found in western India, where it was taken by Portuguese colonists. Compare De Miranda .

French (southern): habitational name from Miranda, the name of several minor places in Pyrénées-Atlantiques in the southwestern part of France, or a topographic name from Old Occitan miranda ‘lookout point, watchtower’.

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

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