Iris Evelyn Turner

Brief Life History of Iris Evelyn

When Iris Evelyn Turner was born in September 1899, in New Cumberland, Hancock, West Virginia, United States, her father, James Gillespie Blaine Turner, was 20 and her mother, Elizabeth Mallonce, was 15. She married Edward Philip Humphrey on 18 April 1917, in Ohio, United States. They were the parents of at least 2 sons. She lived in Mahoning, Ohio, United States in 1920. She died on 25 August 1956, in Bucyrus, Crawford, Ohio, United States, at the age of 56, and was buried in Bucyrus, Crawford, Ohio, United States.

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Family Time Line

Edward Philip Humphrey
Iris Evelyn Turner
Marriage: 18 April 1917
Edward P Humphrey
Charles Creighton Humphrey

Sources (19)

  • Iris Teynor, "United States 1950 Census"
  • Iris Evelyn Turner, "West Virginia Births, 1853-1930"
  • Iris E Turner, "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016"

World Events (8)

1900 · Gold for Cash!

This Act set a price at which gold could be traded for paper money.

1900 · Giving Puerto Rico an American Welcome

A law that established government on the island of Puerto Rico and gave all Puerto Ricans citizenship. This law was replaced by the Jones–Shafroth Act in 1917.

1916 · The First woman elected into the US Congress

Jeannette Pickering Rankin became the first woman to hold a federal office position in the House of Representatives, and remains the only woman elected to Congress by Montana.

Name Meaning

English: occupational name from Middle English t(o)urnour, turner ‘turner’ (Old French to(u)rn(e)our), mainly denoting someone who fashioned small objects of wood, metal, or bone on a lathe, but also a variety of other occupations, including turnspit and translator or interpreter. This surname may have become confused with Toner . In North America, it is also very common among African Americans.

English: occasionally perhaps a nickname from Middle English turn-hare, a compound of Middle English tournen ‘to turn, direct, steer’ + hare ‘hare’, a name for someone in charge of the greyhounds in hare coursing or an exaggerated compliment for someone who could run fast. See also Turnbull .

English: perhaps also from Middle English t(o)urn(e)our ‘jouster, one who takes part in a tournament’ (Old French tornoieor, tournoieur).

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

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