When Lucina Alzina Bascom was born on 26 October 1815, in Brookfield, Madison, New York, United States, her father, Ezekiel Bascom, was 41 and her mother, Sarah Pate, was 27. She married Joel Hills Johnson on 25 October 1845, in Hancock, Illinois, United States. They were the parents of at least 1 son. She lived in Nashua Township, Ogle, Illinois, United States in 1850. She died on 5 October 1885, in Provo, Utah, Utah, United States, at the age of 69, and was buried in Provo City Cemetery, Provo, Utah, Utah, United States.
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Illinois is the 21st state.
With the Aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars the global market for trade was down. During this time, America had its first financial crisis and it lasted for only two years.
Being a monumental event in the Texas Revolution, The Battle of the Alamo was a thirteen-day battle at the Alamo Mission near San Antonio. In the early morning of the final battle, the Mexican Army advanced on the Alamo. Quickly being overrun, the Texian Soldiers quickly withdrew inside the building. The battle has often been overshadowed by events from the Mexican–American War, But the Alamo gradually became known as a national battle site and later named an official Texas State Shrine.
English (Cornwall): habitational name from either of two places called Boscombe (in Dorset and Wiltshire), both named with Old English bors ‘spiky plant’ + cumb ‘valley’. This surname, which is rare in Britain, is also found in Guyana and in the West Indies. Compare Bascomb and Bascombe .
Possibly an altered form of French Bascon: ethnic name from Old French Bascon, denoting someone from the Basque Country.
History: The surname Bascom was first brought to North America in 1635 by Thomas Bascom (1602–82) from England, who settled in Northampton, MA. He is the ancestor of the great majority of the Bascoms in the US and is believed to be of Huguenot stock. He is listed in the register of Huguenot ancestors recognized by the Huguenot Society of America, while the (US) National Huguenot Society's register of qualified Huguenot ancestors lists his great-grandfather, Robert Bascom (or Bascome or Bascomb or Bascombe), who reportedly fled with his son Jean from France to England c. 1537. It were two of Thomas' nephews who reportedly brought the surname Bascom or its variants to West Indies. However, proof of a French Huguenot origin for the name is difficult to substantiate.
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
Possible Related NamesWives of Joel Hills Johnson (1802 -1882) per his Temple Index Bureau card --- Front side of TIB of Joel Hills Johnson--- Spouse # Date Name Married 1 …
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