When James Snow was born on 28 April 1842, in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States, his father, Erastus Snow, was 23 and his mother, Artemisia Beman, was 23. He died on 5 February 1850, in Salt Lake, Utah, United States, at the age of 7, and was buried in Salt Lake, Utah, United States.
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1818–1888 Male
1819–1882 Female
1841–1928 Female
1842–1850 Male
1844–1846 Male
1847–1913 Male
1849–1925 Female
+6 More Children
English: nickname for someone with snow‐white hair or an exceptionally pale complexion, from Middle English snou, snow ‘snow’ (Old English snaw).
American shortened and altered (translated into English) form of any of the Jewish artificial names composed with German Schnee, Schnei, Schneu ‘snow’ as the first element, e.g. Schneeberg .
Americanized form of French Canadian Chenard , reflecting the characteristic Canadian and American French rounding of the -ard ending.
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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