When Gottfried Nyffenegger was born on 24 April 1860, in Dürrenroth, Bern, Switzerland, his father, Gottlieb Nyffenegger, was 27 and his mother, Anna Elisabetha Loosli, was 23. He died in September 1864, in Nebraska, United States, at the age of 4, and was buried in Nebraska, United States.
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Abraham Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation, declaring slaves in Confederate states to be free.
Jean Henru Dunant founded the Red Cross in Geneva.
Swiss German: probably a habitational name for someone from Nufringen in Swabia, Germany, formerly called Nüfferen, Niffern, + egger, from Middle High German ecke ‘corner (of a mountain)’.
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
Gottlieb Nyffenegger, wife Elisabetha Loosli and 3 children left Switzerland in the spring of 1864. They sailed on the Ship HUDSON from the London, England area and landed in New York City on 20 July …
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