When Peter Weston Maughan was born on 20 May 1847, in New Diggings, Lafayette, Wisconsin, United States, his father, Peter Maughan, was 36 and his mother, Mary Ann Weston, was 30. He died on 12 July 1850, in Kearney, Nebraska, United States, at the age of 3, and was buried in Kearney, Nebraska, United States.
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Irish: variant of Mahan .
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
Possible Related NamesSOURCE: Maughan, Mary Ann Weston, Autobiography 1894-1898, Book I-II. Friday 12 July 1850 about noon as we were traveling along on a good plain road my little Peter about 3 years old, was sitting in …
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