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World Events (3)
1827 · Slavery Becomes Illegal in New York State
Age 0
During the years 1799 to 1827, New York went through a period of gradual emancipation. A Gradual Emancipation Law was passed in 1799 which freed slave children born after July 4, 1799. However, they were indentured until 25 years old for women and 28 years old for men. A law passed 1817 which freed slaves born before 1799, yet delayed their emancipation for ten years. All remaining slaves were freed in New York State on July 4, 1827.
1830 · The Second Great Awakening
Age 3
Being a second spiritual and religious awakening, like the First Great Awakening, many Churches began to spring up from other denominations. Many people began to rapidly join the Baptist and Methodist congregations. Many converts to these religions believed that the Awakening was the precursor of a new millennial age.
1830 · The Oregon Trail
Age 3
Many people started their 2,170-mile West trek to settle the land found by Louis and Clark. They used large-wheeled wagons to pack most of their belongings and were guided by trails that were made by the previous trappers and traders who walked the area. Over time the trail needed annual improvements to make the trip faster and safer. Most of Interstate 80 and 84 cover most of the ground that was the original trail.