Betsy Prescinda Huntington

Brief Life History of Betsy Prescinda

When Betsy Prescinda Huntington was born on 21 October 1846, in Pueblo, Pueblo, Colorado, United States, her father, Dimick Baker Huntington, was 38 and her mother, Fanny Maria Allen, was 35. She died on 4 November 1846, in her hometown, at the age of 0.

Photos and Memories (2)

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Family Time Line

Dimick Baker Huntington
Fanny Maria Allen
Clark Allen Huntington
Lot Elisha Huntington
Maryett Huntington
Fannie Maria Huntington
Martha Zina Huntington
Betsy Prescinda Huntington
John P Huntington
Julia Caroline Huntington
Sarah Adaline Huntington

Sources (4)

  • Betsy Prescindia Huntington in the Membership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-1848 (Date of Birth 10/21/1846 Fort Pueblo, CO; Parents & Siblings)
  • Betsy Prescinda Huntington, "Find A Grave Index"
  • Research Log for Betsy Prescinda Huntington by the BYU Center for Family History and Genealogy

Name Meaning

English (northern): habitational name from any of various places called Huntington, most of which are named with Old English huntena, the genitive plural form of hunta ‘hunter, huntsman’, + dūn ‘hill’ or tūn ‘farmstead, estate’. Some, however, may have Old English hunting ‘hunting’ as the initial element, while others may derive from the Old English personal name Hunta (genitive Huntan), perhaps with Old English connective -ing-, + tūn. The surname may also arise from Huntingdon (Huntingdonshire), which derives from the Old English personal name Hunta (genitive Huntan) or Old English hunta (genitive huntan) + dūn.

History: A prominent American family of this name were founded by Simon Huntington, who himself never saw the New World, for he died in 1633 on the voyage to Boston, where his widow settled with her children. Their descendants include Jabez Huntington (1719–86), a wealthy West Indies trader, and Samuel Huntington (1731–96), who was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Collis Potter Huntington (1821–1900) was an American railway magnate. Beginning with little education or money, he made a huge fortune, some of which he left to his nephew, Henry Huntington (1850–1927), who used the money to establish the Huntington library and art gallery in CA.

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

Story Highlight

Mother's record of child's birth

Last Testimony of Fannie Marie Allen Huntington (Copied 1938, from the original in possession of John Hancock) “With pleasure I have met with you, my brothers and sisters, to give my humble testimon …

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