Lucía Velázquez

Brief Life History of Lucía

When Lucía Velázquez was born in 1916, in Morelos, Chihuahua, Mexico, her father, Donaciano Acosta, was 26 and her mother, María del Pilar Velazquez, was 25. She had at least 1 son and 2 daughters with Angel Zavala. She died in 1996, in her hometown, at the age of 80.

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Family Time Line

Angel Zavala
Lucía Velázquez
José María Zavala Velázquez
Clemencia Zavala Velazquez
Josefa Zavala Velazquez

Sources (1)

  • Legacy NFS Source: Lucía Velázquez - Individual or family possessions: death:

World Events (8)


General John J. "Blackjack" Pershing's punitive expedition pursues Villa and provokes bitterness between Mexico and United States.


Constitution of 1917 promulgated. Carranza elected president.


Manuel Ávila Camacho presidency. Mexico joins Allies in declaring war on Axis powers. PRM reorganized to provide wider representation and renamed Institutional Revolutionary Party (Partido Revolucionario Institucional--PRI). Bracero (migrant Mexican worker) agreement established between Mexico and United States.

Name Meaning

Spanish (Velázquez): variant of Velásquez (see Velasquez ).

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

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