Rose Anna Poulin

Femaleabout 1875–

Brief Life History of Rose Anna

Rose Anna Poulin was born about 1875, in Quebec, Canada. She had at least 1 daughter with Louis Gadeas Lachance.

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Family Time Line

Louis Gadeas Lachance
Rose Anna Poulin
about 1875–
Yvonne Lachance
about 1905–

Sources (1)

  • Legacy NFS Source: Rose Anna Poulin - Individual or family possessions: birth: about 1875; Quebec, Canada

Spouse and Children

Children (1)

World Events (2)

1980 · Sovereignty-Association Defeated 60% to 40%

Age 105

The Quebec independence referendum was the first in Quebec and was called by PQ government which advocated secession from Canada. Another one would happen 1995.


Age 107

Canada Act is passed. The United Kingdom transfers final legal powers over Canada. The country adopts its new constitution, which includes a charter of rights.

Name Meaning

Some characteristic forenames: French Marcel, Armand, Andre, Gaston, Lucien, Normand, Yvon, Emile, Fernand, Laurier, Pierre, Cecile.

French: variant of Poulain ‘young animal, colt’ and, in North America, (also) an altered form of this. Compare Colt , Poland , and Pooler .

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

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