When Maria Katharina Elisabeth Heuer genannt Dornemann was born on 4 June 1885, in Nieder Wenigern, Kreis Hattingen, Westphalia, Prussia, Germany, her father, Johann Heinrich Heuer genannt Dornemann, was 33 and her mother, Maria Christine Josepha Sonnenschein genannt Welsenberg, was 25. She married Heinrich Theodor Denis genannt Stoodt on 17 October 1904, in Nieder Wenigern, Kreis Hattingen, Westphalia, Prussia, Germany. They were the parents of at least 6 sons and 3 daughters. She died on 25 January 1962, at the age of 76.
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1875–1946 Male
1885–1962 Female
1905–1976 Male
1906–1919 Female
1907–1992 Female
1909–1997 Female
1911–1967 Male
+4 More Children
1851–1904 Male
1859–1890 Female
1885–1962 Female
1887–1966 Female
1889–1980 Female
Some characteristic forenames: German Armin, Elke, Hans, Kurt, Otto, Ernst, Frieda, Gerhard, Gunther, Helmut, Hermann, Rainer.
variant of Hauer .
occupational name from Middle High German höuwer ‘mower, hay-maker’. Presumably the name also referred to a hired hand or tenant in general, a day laborer, mainly in northern Germany (from Middle Low German huren ‘to hire, rent’).
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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