When Dorothy Irene Martz was born on 30 January 1913, in Hartwick Township, Osceola, Michigan, United States, her father, Joseph B. Martz, was 31 and her mother, Cora May Shore, was 27. She married Carter James McGregor on 16 November 1934, in Saint Ignace, Mackinac, Michigan, United States. They were the parents of at least 1 daughter. She lived in Wexford, Michigan, United States in 1920 and Sault Sainte Marie, Chippewa, Michigan, United States in 1950. She died in November 1995, in Michigan, United States, at the age of 82, and was buried in Corona del Mar, Newport Beach, Orange, California, United States.
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Jeannette Pickering Rankin became the first woman to hold a federal office position in the House of Representatives, and remains the only woman elected to Congress by Montana.
Alcatraz Island officially became Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary on August 11, 1934. The island is situated in the middle of frigid water and strong currents of the San Francisco Bay, which deemed it virtually inescapable. Alcatraz became known as the toughest prison in America and was seen as a “last resort prison.” Therefore, Alcatraz housed some of America’s most notorious prisoners such as Al Capone and Robert Franklin Stroud. Due to the exorbitant cost of running the prison, and the deterioration of the buildings due to salt spray, Alcatraz Island closed as a penitentiary on March 21, 1963.
The California grizzly bear became designated as the state animal in 1953.
German (also Märtz): from a personal name or nickname given to someone who was born or baptized in the month of March, Middle High German merz (from Latin Martius (mensis), from the name of the war god Mars), or a nickname for someone who had some other special connection with the month, such as owing a feudal obligation then.
German (Märtz): from a short form of a personal name such as Martin 1 or Mark 1.
German: from an ancient Germanic personal name, Marizo (which became Mar(t)zo), a pet form of compound names formed with mari ‘famous’ as the first element.
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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