When Mable Hannah Helekunihi Aiwohi was born on 23 January 1926, in Peahi, Maui, Hawaii, United States, her father, William Aiwohi Honokaupu, was 51 and her mother, Hannah Sylva, was 38. She died on 18 June 2006, in Wailuku, Hawaii, Hawaii, United States, at the age of 80.
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There are no historical documents attached to Mable Hannah Helekunihi.
Charles Lindbergh makes the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight in his plane The Spirit of St. Louis.
13 million people become unemployed after the Wall Street stock market crash of 1929 triggers what becomes known as the Great Depression. President Herbert Hoover rejects direct federal relief.
The Presidential Succession Act is an act establishing the presidential line of succession. This was a precursor for the Twenty-fifth Amendment which outlines what is to happen when a President is killed, dies, or is unable to fulfill the responsibilities of President.
Originally a nickname from the Old French vocabulary word amabel, amable ‘lovely’ (akin to modern English amiable ‘friendly, good-humoured’). The initial vowel began to be lost as early as the 12th century (the same woman is referred to as both Mabilia and Amabilia in a document of 1185 ), but a short vowel in the resulting first syllable was standard, giving a rhyme with babble, until the 19th century, when people began to pronounce the name to rhyme with table.
Dictionary of First Names © Patrick Hanks and Flavia Hodges 1990, 2003, 2006.
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