Lyman Vincent Rutledge

Male8 December 1884–27 September 1977

Brief Life History of Lyman Vincent

When Lyman Vincent Rutledge was born on 8 December 1884, in Iowa, United States, his father, Dr Cyrus Felton Rutledge, was 27 and his mother, Esther Ann Fouts, was 28. He married Ann Louise Fitch on 19 June 1911, in Eureka, Greenwood, Kansas, United States. They were the parents of at least 3 sons and 1 daughter. He died on 27 September 1977, in Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States, at the age of 92.

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Family Time Line

Lyman Vincent Rutledge
Ann Louise Fitch
Marriage: 19 June 1911
John Milton Rutledge
Esther Ann Rutledge
Cyrus Felton Rutledge
Dallas Clifford Rutledge

Sources (24)

  • Lyman V Rutledge in household of Edwin P Litchfield, "United States Census, 1910"
  • Lyman Vincent Rutledge, "United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918"
  • Lyman Rutledge, "United States Social Security Death Index"

Spouse and Children

  • Marriage
    19 June 1911Eureka, Greenwood, Kansas, United States
  • Children (4)

    Parents and Siblings

    Siblings (3)

    World Events (8)


    Age 2

    Statue of Liberty is dedicated.

    1905 · Treaty of Portsmouth Signed

    Age 21

    The Treaty of Portsmouth was signed on September 5, 1905 and officially brought a conclusion to the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

    1909 · The NAACP is formed

    Age 25

    Organized as a civil rights organization, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is a bi-racial endeavor to advance justice for African Americans. It is one of the oldest civil rights organizations in the nation.

    Name Meaning

    English and Scottish: most probably a habitational name from Routledge Burn (Cumberland), whose name may mean ‘loud stream’, although it is possible that the stream takes its name from the surname, in which case the surname is probably from a lost or unidentified place. Routledge , the more common form in the British Isles, is found mainly on the English-Scottish borders.

    Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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