William P Morrissey

Brief Life History of William P

William P Morrissey was born in 1904, in Connecticut, United States as the son of Morrissey. He had at least 1 son with Freda Johnson. He died in 1987, at the age of 83.

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Family Time Line

William P Morrissey
Freda Johnson
William Delano Morrissey

Sources (2)

  • William P Morrissey, "United States 1950 Census"
  • William P Morrissey en tant qu’entrée de William Morrissey, "United States, Social Security Numerical Identification Files (NUMIDENT), 1936-2007"

Spouse and Children

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World Events (8)


St. Louis, Missouri, United States hosts Summer Olympic Games.

1906 · Saving Food Labels

The first of many consumer protection laws which ban foreign and interstate traffic in mislabeled food and drugs. It requires that ingredients be placed on the label.

1926 · Sergeant Stubby Dies

During WWI there was a dog from Connecticut that made a name for himself, his name was sergeant stubby. He was considered the official mascot of the 102nd infantry. He saved his regiment from suprise mustard attacks, comforted those that had been wounded, and even caught a German soldier and held him there until troops found him. He had his own uniform and everything.

Name Meaning

Some characteristic forenames: Irish Donal, Aileen, Clodagh, Cormac, Declan, Fergus, James Patrick, John Patrick, Liam, Malachy, Paddy.

Irish: from Ó Muirgheasa ‘descendant of Muirgheas’, a personal name meaning ‘sea valour’. However, according to MacLysaght, this surname is also derived from the Norman name de Marisco.

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

Possible Related Names

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