When Lokiel America Miller was born on 24 November 1930, in Virginia, United States, her father, James Omer Miller, was 26 and her mother, Eva Mattie Reese, was 23. She died on 5 December 2000, at the age of 70, and was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Kingsport, Sullivan, Tennessee, United States.
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The Star-Spangled Banner is adopted as the national anthem.
The Pentagon was developed as the Department of Defense had outgrown the other buildings were it was previous located.The groundbreaking for the Pentagon was on September 11, 1941. When the Pentagon was being built, it was determined that it could be no taller than four stories high. Colonel Leslie R. Groves was the supervisor of the project, he would later become known for helping on the Manhattan Project.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an alliance between 29 North American and European countries. The agreement of the alliance is to help defend each other if attacked by an external country. The last country to enter was Montenegro in 2017.
English and Scottish: occupational name for a miller. The standard modern vocabulary word represents the northern Middle English term miller, an agent derivative of mille ‘mill’, reinforced by Old Norse mylnari (see Milner ). In southern, western, and central England Millward (literally, ‘mill keeper’) was the usual term. In North America, the surname Miller has absorbed many cognate surnames from other languages, for example German Müller (see Mueller ), Dutch Mulder and Molenaar , French Meunier , Italian Molinaro , Spanish Molinero , Hungarian Molnár (see Molnar ), Slovenian, Croatian, and Serbian Mlinar , Polish Młynarz or Młynarczyk (see Mlynarczyk ). Miller (including in the senses below) is the seventh most frequent surname in the US.
South German, Swiss German, and Jewish (Ashkenazic): variant of Müller ‘miller’ (see Mueller ) and, in North America, also an altered form of this. This form of the surname is also found in other European countries, notably in Poland, Denmark, France (mainly Alsace and Lorraine), and Czechia; compare 3 below.
Americanized form of Polish, Czech, Croatian, Serbian, and Slovenian Miler ‘miller’, a surname of German origin.
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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