Bernice LeMay

Female7 November 1950–31 August 2013

Brief Life History of Bernice

Bernice LeMay was born on 7 November 1950 as the daughter of Jena Boyd. She died on 31 August 2013, in Aultman Hospital, Canton, Stark, Ohio, United States, at the age of 62.

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Family Time Line

Jena Boyd
Bernice LeMay

Sources (0)


    There are no historical documents attached to Bernice.

    Parents and Siblings

    Siblings (1)

    World Events (3)

    1951 · The Twenty-Second Amendment

    Age 1

    Before the Twenty-second Amendment, the Presidency didn’t have a set number limit on how many times they could be elected or re-elected to the office of President of the United States. The Amendment sets that limit to two times, consecutively or not, and sets additional conditions for presidents who succeed to the unexpired terms of their predecessors.

    1951 · The ANZUS Treaty

    Age 1

    Like that of NATO, the ANZUS Treaty was a non-binding agreement between Australia, New Zealand, and the United States Security. It was signed to cooperate on military matters in the Pacific Ocean region. It provides safety for each other in case of an armed attack on any of the three countries.


    Age 3

    President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a law recognizing that Ohio was admitted into the Union, since it had previously slipped through the cracks. The official date of admittance was agreed upon as March 1, 1803, ratified as of May 19, 1953.

    Name Meaning

    Some characteristic forenames: French Normand, Armand, Marcel, Emile, Andre, Gaston, Pierre, Benoit, Cecile, Fernand, Germain, Lucien.

    French (mainly Nord): habitational name from any of several places called Le May. This surname is also found in Britain, where it is of Huguenot origin. Compare Lamay and May .

    History: Michel Lemay from Chênehutte-Trèves-Cunault in Maine-et-Loire, France, married Marie Duteau/Dutost in QC in 1659. His descendants also bear altered forms of the surname, such as Lamay, and also the surname Delorme .

    Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

    Possible Related Names

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