Bernice LeMay was born on 7 November 1950 as the daughter of Jena Boyd. She died on 31 August 2013, in Aultman Hospital, Canton, Stark, Ohio, United States, at the age of 62.
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Some characteristic forenames: French Normand, Armand, Marcel, Emile, Andre, Gaston, Pierre, Benoit, Cecile, Fernand, Germain, Lucien.
French (mainly Nord): habitational name from any of several places called Le May. This surname is also found in Britain, where it is of Huguenot origin. Compare Lamay and May .
History: Michel Lemay from Chênehutte-Trèves-Cunault in Maine-et-Loire, France, married Marie Duteau/Dutost in QC in 1659. His descendants also bear altered forms of the surname, such as Lamay, and also the surname Delorme .
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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