When Agatha R Caliri was born on 15 June 1903, in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States, her father, Carmelo Caliri, was 29 and her mother, Tommasa Rigolizzo, was 31. She had at least 1 daughter with Charles Everett Wentworth. She lived in Boston Ward 1, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States in 1910 and Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States for about 30 years. She died in November 1981, at the age of 78, and was buried in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States.
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The first of many consumer protection laws which ban foreign and interstate traffic in mislabeled food and drugs. It requires that ingredients be placed on the label.
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Some characteristic forenames: Italian Angelo, Carmelo, Domenic, Fortunata, Francesca, Lorenzo, Mario, Santo.
Italian (Sicily and Calabria): from the medieval Greekpersonal name Kallirēs, a derivative of classical GreekKallirhoos ‘one who flows beautifully’.
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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