When Maximo Martinez was born on 15 October 1915, in Sonora, Sutton, Texas, United States, his father, Reyes Martinez, was 55 and his mother, Monica Almendares, was 44. He had at least 3 sons and 5 daughters with Emilia Cirilo. He died on 1 October 1990, in Del Rio, Val Verde, Texas, United States, at the age of 74, and was buried in Del Rio, Val Verde, Texas, United States.
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Jeannette Pickering Rankin became the first woman to hold a federal office position in the House of Representatives, and remains the only woman elected to Congress by Montana.
Like most of the country, the economy of Texas suffered greatly after the Stock Market Crash of 1929. Thousands of city workers were suddenly unemployed and relied on a variety of government relief programs; unemployed Mexican citizens were required to take one-way bus tickets to Mexico.
The Bureau of Investigation's name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to help citizens know that the Government is helping protect from threats both domestically and abroad.
Some characteristic forenames: Spanish Manuel, Carlos, Luis, Jesus, Francisco, Pedro, Miguel, Raul, Mario, Jorge, Roberto, Ruben. Portuguese Ligia, Paulo, Armanda, Catarina, Gonsalo, Marcio, Wenceslao, Anatolio, Godofredo, Lidio, Sil, Zulmira.
Spanish (Martínez): patronymic from the personal name Martin . This surname has also been established in southern Italy since the period of Spanish dominance there. In the US, it is the tenth most frequent surname. Compare De Martinez .
Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.
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