When James L. Tesarik was born on 31 August 1956, his father, Robert E. Tesarik, was 22 and his mother, Nancy D. Sloggett, was 22. He died on 23 July 1958, at the age of 1, and was buried in Manitowoc, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, United States.
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Explorer 1 was the first satellite of the United States to be launched and successfully orbit the Earth.
form of the name borne in the New Testament by two of Christ's disciples, James son of Zebedee and James son of Alphaeus. This form comes from Late Latin Iacomus, a variant of Iacobus, Latin form of Greek Iakobos. This is the same name as Old Testament Jacob (Hebrew Yaakov), but for many centuries now they have been thought of in the English-speaking world as two distinct names. In Britain, James is a royal name that from the beginning of the 15th century onwards was associated particularly with the Scottish house of Stewart: James I of Scotland ( 1394–1437 ; ruled 1424–37 ) was a patron of the arts and a noted poet, as well as an energetic ruler. King James VI of Scotland ( 1566–1625 ; reigned 1567–1625 ) succeeded to the throne of England in 1603 . His grandson, James II of England ( 1633–1701 ; reigned 1685–8 ) was a Roman Catholic, deposed in 1688 in favour of his Protestant daughter Mary and her husband William of Orange. From then on he, his son (also called James), and his grandson Charles (‘Bonnie Prince Charlie’) made various unsuccessful attempts to recover the English throne. Their supporters were known as Jacobites (from Latin Iacobus), and the name James became for a while particularly associated with Roman Catholicism on the one hand, and Highland opposition to the English government on the other. Nevertheless, it has since become one of the most perennially popular boys' names.
Dictionary of First Names © Patrick Hanks and Flavia Hodges 1990, 2003, 2006.
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